communicative tool


ICT as a communicative tools

1. Discuss some of the most effective communicative tool that teacher has used during pandemic time

Some of the most effective communicative tools that the teachers has used during the pandemic tine are WeChat, email, zoom meeting,

How have teachers used collaborative tools during the pandemic time to enhance the learning ?

Teacher gives homework in the WeChat video conference in the zoom.

 How have teachers maintained engagement with students through their communicative tools during the pandemic times?

 During pandemic time, Teachers maintained engagement with students through their communicative tools by letting all the students keep cameras on which otherwise they may not know what students do behind the camera. They let students share their thoughts and ideas on the topic and share it to the whole class.

2. Share your personal observations and experiences about how teachers adapted their communicative method during pandemic time to ensure effective teaching.?

My personal observation and experiences about how teachers adapted their communicative method during pandemic time to ensure effective learning are some of the teachers they sought help from knowledgeable others and they kept their presentation straightforward and simple. Ask questions and provide comments. They combine two classes at the same time or they also create breakout rooms.

3. Provide your critical judgment about how the teachers accessed students learning and progress through their communicative tools during pandemic time? 

During pandemic time, to assess students' learning by giving homework after the zoom meet. They let students present their ideas during zoom. They also provide quizzing with video. 

4. Can you share some of the strategies that teachers have used to ensure inclusivity and accessibility through their communicative tools during the pandemic time.?

Some of the strategies the teacher used to ensure inclusivity and accessibility during the pandemic time are providing a sensitive environment like a quiet place or room for the teacher during lecture because some students easily get distracted. They also listened to every idea. Teacher visited personally in every breakout room and let all know what is happening as the smaller the group, the more attentive the students will be. Teachers live recorded and post it later so students with poor network or absent will review later.


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