Digital Citizenship

  1. explain the concept of Digital Citizenship? elaborate the nine element of the digital citizenship.

Digital Citizenship refers to the responsible use technology where users are engages and showed them how to connect with one another, empathize with each other, and create lasting relationships  through digital tools.

Nine elements of the digital citizenship are

  1. Digital access : equitable distribution of technology and online resources. Not all students can afford a computer, a smartphone and Internet access. That’s why educators need to provide suitable alternatives for each student's needs.

  2. Digital commerce: electronic buying and selling of the goods and safeguards in place to assist those buying and selling using money in any way in digital space. Technology is also used in the classroom to teach students about the various career paths that they could choose in the future. 

  3. Digital communication: is the electronic exchange of information. All users need to define how they will share their thoughts so that others understand the message. For students struggling to understand their place in the world, technology can help them find their own voices and express themselves. Internet has given a voice to anyone who needs it. In turn, this requires empathy and appropriate reactions from its users.

  4. Digital literacy: Digital literacy also includes the ability to differentiate between real and fake content, which can have a negative impact on the lives of your students. They need to learn which content is good for them and what they should avoid in order to lead a balanced life.

  5. Digital etiquette: refers to electronic standards of conduct or procedures and has to do with the process of thinking about others when using digital devices. Whether in the classroom or online, being aware of others is an important idea for everyone. Digital etiquette shapes their online behavior to respond positively to online content. In this way, their online attitude is reflected in the real world and vice versa.

  6. Digital law: refers to the electronic responsibility for actions and deeds and has to do with the creation of rules and policy that address issues related to the online world. Just as in the real world, the online world has had to create structure to protect those using these digital devices from harm. The online environment has room for both positive and negative interactions. Digital law deals with legal rights and restrictions governing technology usage. To prevent any kind of online crime, no matter how serious, students as digital citizens need to know the law and how it applies to them in particular.

  7. Digital rights and responsibilities: requirements and freedoms extended to everyone in a digital world. This area of Digital Citizenship is about helping students understand that when they are provided opportunities, such as the access to the Internet and use of online products, they need to be diligent in helping others as well, such as informing adults of potential problems. Educators must help students understand that protecting others both online and in the real world are essential skills to have.

  8. Digital health and wellness: Students should be taught to protect themselves and others from potential harm and ask for help if they need it. Making use of online resources is a plus, but everyone should be aware of the dangers as well.

  9. Digital security: electronic precautions to guarantee sfety. Security in the online world is important. When using devices at school or at home, students should be aware of potential malware attacks.  Teachers should explain how to prevent them from happening and how to protect their devices as much as possible. 

2. what is the role of the teacher Digital Citizenship?

some of the role of the teacher in Digital Citizenship are although we live in a digital era, not everyone has access to technology. As teachers, we should be aware of this digital divide and need to provide suitable alternatives for each student's needs.

Also teaching students to protect themselves and others from potential  harm and ask for help if they need it. Educators must help students understand that protecting others both online and in the real world are essential skills to have.

3. what are the digital rights and responsibilities you as a teacher should carry out in society, community and world? 

This area of Digital Citizenship is about helping students understand that when they are provided opportunities, such as the access to the Internet and use of online products, they need to be diligent in helping others as well, such as informing adults of potential problems. You can help your students take an active role in the digital world, educating them on the dangers and obligations that come with using technology. 

4. share your personal judgement, observations, experiences that younger generations in using technologies ( positive/negative-how)

In today’s Era, the Enhancement of new technology really cause an impact on the young generation, and also technology changed the world in every field of life. It is nearly impossible for our youth to spend a single day without the use of technology. The younger generation can experience so many new things just within a few minutes with the help of technology.

There are countless benefits of technology on today’s youth because it has not made their lives simpler but also a source of positive variations and diversions in their life. Technology enhances the Creativity of Youth. Technology has improved the efficient Learning Process. Technology Empowers the Youth.


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